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"We give pet parents the help they need to get their injured and aging pets PAIN FREE so they can KEEP MOVING and do the things they love"

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IVDD disease is a painful and scary disease for both dogs and their owners. It can result in mild pain or very intense pain and a dog that is unable to walk at all. It can show up in different ways - it can be an issue that waxes and wanes and can be difficult to manage to something that comes suddenly out of the blue with no warning whatsoever. Balance Vet is here to help if you think your dog might have IVDD.


The spine is made up of vertebrae with discs between them. The spinal cord is protected within the top half of the bony vertabrae and the discs run along the bottom half of the vertabrae. The discs are spongy and allow the give in the spine to give it flexibility. In IVDD these discs lose their sponginess due to breeding and genetics (dachshunds, pugs, french bulldogs, English Bulldogs) or due to old age. If these discs break down then the remaining disc gets squashed and parts of the disc can then push up into the spinal cord. It is the squashing of the disc and surrounding ligaments of the spine that is extremely painful. If the disc starts to push on the spinal cord and squash it then the parts of the spine that help with balance, walking, detecting pain and toileting can be affected. In summary if there is a lot of damage then you can have a pet that is painful, lost balance, lost use of their legs and is unable to toilet on their own. The two treatment approaches we have are surgery or conservative therapy. Regardless of whether there is mild pain or extreme pain with paralysis rehab may be able to help. Not sure if rehab will help your dog? Click on the button below, fill in the short form and we can have a chat. 

How Can You Tell If Your Dog Has IVDD?

You would need to get your dog checked by a vet or rehab therapist to be able to say with some certainty but if your dog is showing any of the below signs then they may have IVDD

  • Yelping when moving

  • Yelping when in bed

  • Seems suddenly less active

  • Trembling

  • Unwilling to eat

  • Wobbly on back legs

  • Knuckling front or back paws

  • Not going to the toilet 

  • Pain in neck or back

  • Sudden inability to walk


It is important to note that tick paralysis can look similar to IVDD and if your dog has difficulty standing or is wobbly you may have an emergency situation and should contact a vet immediately.

How Can We Help Your Dog?

We have more useful information for pet parents in our latest newsletter on IVDD. Download it below to get info on how rehab might be helpful for your furry friend.

Balance Vet Rehab IVDD Newsletter


Surgery Or Conservative Therapy

You will need a rehab therapist or specialist surgeon or neurologist to help you make the right decision.

There are different circumstances in which either may be appropriate.

Surgery involves relieving any pressure that is pushing on the spinal cord. Follow up involves pain relief and confinement. Some dogs are slow to recover after surgery. If this is your dog please see our page on dogs not walking after surgery 

Conservative Therapy with Rehab involves first ensuring we are controlling pain. Once pain is under control we can focus on deficits your dog may have with movement. We use "neurodevelopmental sequencing" which is set of exercises that can help remind the brain and muscles how to work together and get your dog walking. This can be used for all range of dogs with IVDD- from dogs that are totally unable to walk to dogs who just a little weak or unbalanced.


Type 1 OR Type 2 IVDD



This usually happens in dogs with short legs (eg dachshund, pugs)

Often seen in middle aged or older dogs

The fibrous layer of the disc gets harder and less flexible as time goes by.

There is often no indication by the dog that these changes are aready happening in the disc

When an injury occurs it happens suddenly.

The disc ruptures and the jelly inner substance of the disc leaks out and pushes on the spinal cord.

Disc rupture can be associated with excess activity but can spontaneously rupture.


Happens often in large breed or older dogs

The discs become harder over a long period of time

Both the outer and inner layer may be pushing on the spinal cord.

Usually will see hints in your dog that they have back issues before you they get a more severe episode of back pain and other issues.

This can result in less sudden more waxing and waning signs.


Our Jack Russell, Maya, was struggling following some spinal damage. She had weekly visits with Dr Steve for physio and acupuncture. After five visits we were thrilled to see a marked improvement in her demeanour, her energy levels and she was obviously in much less pain.
Can’t recommend Balance Vet highly enough!

Kate with Maya.

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In January 2024, my Maltese had been swimming and when he shook himself after the swim he immediately lost the use of his back legs. I took him to the vet that day and was advised to give him medication and that he may get some movement back, otherwise lots of dogs adapt to dragging their legs after losing the ability to move them. The other option was $10,000 in costs for an x-ray and spinal surgery.
I got home and googled physiotherapy for dogs and found Steve online. I rang to book an appointment and supplied a video of Harry dragging his legs. At this stage he also could not go to the toilet at all on his own.
I received a call from Steve and had a discussion about what happened and Harry's symptoms. I was provided advice for his care until Steve saw him.
Harry saw Steve and he was upfront about Harry's condition and the work ahead for rehabilitation including the time required for Harry and I to spend on his care and eventually his exercises. There was no guarantee he would improve but there was enough indicators that he may improve.
Harry and I did everything we were given to do while seeing Steve for Harry's physio treatments.
It is now May 2024 and we just had a 6 week gap and will see Steve again in 6 weeks.
Harry is walking, running like a rocket, toilets independently, can now go up stairs (one of his last milestones) scratch his ear with his foot independently, lift his leg back to his original height to pee. He is amazing. I cannot state enough how much Harry has rehabilitated from the original diagnoses. My family are amazed and cannot believe how much Harry has improved.
I absolutely recommend Steve and his team for diagnoses and rehabilitation, direction and knowledge.
Harry and I are very thankful to be given hope and a life back to normal. The photos are from 2 weeks ago. Harry running on the beach. Harry is 12 years old.

Harry's mum, Sharon.

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